© Esplanade in Bad Ischl mit Baumallee, Fluss Traun im Vordergrund, markante Häuserfassaden und Kirchturm, Berge im Hintergrund
Esplanade mit markanter Häuserfassade in Bad Ischl. Im Vordergrund der Fluss Traun. Im Hintergrund sieht man den Turm der katholischen Kirche und die umliegenden Bergwelt.


Bad Ischl, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Wundum g'sund/Magdalena Fasl
Qualified health and nursing professional
Certified Wound Manager

  • Professional care of chronic and acute wounds
  •  PhotoBioModulationTherapy (LowLevelLaser)
  •  Haemolaser® therapy
  •  Counselling in health and nursing care
  •  Counselling and support for family carers
  •  Home visits within a radius of up to 30 kilometres

Appointments are made by telephone.
The services are private services.

I look forward to your call!

  • by arrangement

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Salzburgerstraße 34/1
4820 Bad Ischl

Phone +43 677 61009781
E-Mail wundumgsund-badischl@gmx.at

Contact person
Mrs Magdalena Fasl

We speak the following languages


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