Practice of Liesa Zuckerstätter, MSc, DO, DPO, and Lukas Zuckerstätter, MBA
Do you have musculoskeletal complaints and pain and want to be pain-free again? We can help you:
Osteopathy Osteopathy is a manual treatment that looks at the body as a whole. Joints and muscles, organs and nerves as well as the cranium are interconnected and are treated as such.
Physiotherapy Physiotherapy works closely with conventional medicine and uses evidence-based treatment methods.
Paediatric osteopathy The osteopath can feel blockages in the child's body and releases them using very gentle, pain-free techniques.
Schroth scoliosis therapy Schroth scoliosis treatment is a physiotherapeutic method that takes a comprehensive and multidimensional approach to the spine and treats it.
The way to us You need a medical referral with a diagnosis, which can be issued by a general practitioner or specialist. Please bring current findings, X-ray images and a bed sheet with you.
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