© Esplanade in Bad Ischl mit Baumallee, Fluss Traun im Vordergrund, markante Häuserfassaden und Kirchturm, Berge im Hintergrund
Esplanade mit markanter Häuserfassade in Bad Ischl. Im Vordergrund der Fluss Traun. Im Hintergrund sieht man den Turm der katholischen Kirche und die umliegenden Bergwelt.

Praxis Zuckerstätter Osteopathie & Physiotherapie

Bad Ischl, Oberösterreich, Österreich
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Practice of Liesa Zuckerstätter, MSc, DO, DPO, and Lukas Zuckerstätter, MBA

Do you have musculoskeletal complaints and pain and want to be pain-free again? We can help you:

Osteopathy is a manual treatment that looks at the body as a whole. Joints and muscles, organs and nerves as well as the cranium are interconnected and are treated as such.

Physiotherapy works closely with conventional medicine and uses evidence-based treatment methods.

Paediatric osteopathy
The osteopath can feel blockages in the child's body and releases them using very gentle, pain-free techniques.

Schroth scoliosis therapy
Schroth scoliosis treatment is a physiotherapeutic method that takes a comprehensive and multidimensional approach to the spine and treats it.

The way to us
You need a medical referral with a diagnosis, which can be issued by a general practitioner or specialist.
Please bring current findings, X-ray images and a bed sheet with you.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
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Please get in touch for more information.


Praxis Zuckerstätter Osteopathie & Physiotherapie
Grazer Straße 42/2
4820 Bad Ischl

Phone +43 664 2647439
E-Mail office@praxis-zuckerstaetter.at
Web www.praxis-zuckerstaetter.at

Contact person
Liesa Zuckerstätter, MSc., DO, DPO, und Lukas Zuckerstätter, MBA

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